Clarinetista peruano

Sadiel Cuentas is a Peruvian composer and a very close friend of mine. During one lazy night, we came up with the idea to create in Lima an ensemble dedicated to the practice and promotion of free improvisation. This group would give a first concert to raise money for Circomper.

In a few days, LiPiBrePe was born. Very fast, a group of 7 great musicians and one dancer wanted to be part of LiPiBRePe. LiPiBRePe will extend with time, according to the program we want to present. Also, this group will always include a piece from a great composer. In our first concert, we will perform the famous 4'33 of John Cage, version for our full ensemble (!).

Reherasels are going just great. We have some fun pieces already and some graphic scores by Hallveig Agustsdottir. The members (so far) of LiPiBRePe are:

Marco Antonio Mazzini - Bass clarinet, conductor, composicions
Sadiel Cuentas - Electric guitar, bass guitar, composicions
César Sangay - Laptop and Controler
Carlos Espinoza - Saxophones
Fari Laurente - Clarinet
Magali Luque - Slide guitar
Jose Quezada - Cello, electric guitar
Veronik - Theremin
Giancarlo Barboso - Dancer

Our first concert will take place 5 August at the Centro Cultural Cafae in Lima, 19.30. Details in Spanish are here in Circomper.

A new adventure begun...